A new choice
All e-bikes on the market right now have multiple design and user-experience flaws. If it is a factory-made electric bicycle it will probably be very heavy and will look… Well, lets say boring is the word for it. And what happens to Your beloved regular bike You already have? It gets sold or forgotten somewhere in the basement.
If we look at the conversion kits available right now we will see that all of them require a toolbox and some skills in electronics and mechanics to install them. And don’t forget all the wires and the battery pack – both of them make Your bike look like a DIY experiment. Conversion kits also add about 10-15 kg of weight to Your bicycle.
Well, Rubbee provides a solution to all of those problems. Enjoy the benefits of a high-power electric bicycle without getting Your hands dirty or ruining the aesthetics of the bicycle You already have.
- You don’t need to buy a whole electric bicycle if You want one
- You can switch between a regular bicycle and an electric in just a matter of seconds
- You don’t have to carry a heavy and inconvenient battery pack or a whole bicycle to recharge it
- You can share it with Your family members and friends
- Your bicycle can be electric without any hassle that comes with regular conversion kits
The specs
- Range (without pedaling): 25 km (15 mi)
- Top speed: 25 km/h (15 mph)
- Weight: 6.5 kg (14 lbs)
- Peak power: 800 W
- Integrated battery pack: 20000 mAh
- Full recharge time: 2 hours
The technology
Rubbee is full of innovative solutions and features.
Multifunction power button: The power button functions as an ON/OFF switch and as a battery level indicator. Integrated blue-colored LED blinks corresponding to the state of charge of the battery pack. The faster it blinks – the less power You have left. It also shows the status of the batteries when the Rubbee is being charged.
Integrated suppression system: It makes sure Rubbee always provides a constant force on the tire of the bicycle thus allowing minimum slip even in wet conditions. This feature also enables Rubbee to be used even on the bicycles with rear wheel suspension where the geometry of the bicycle is always changing. Suppression system only engages when the fixation pin is removed. That means that You can ride around with Rubbee on Your bicycle even without it touching the tire. This feature comes in handy when Rubbee “gets out of breath”.
Battery pack: Rubbee has an integrated battery pack custom made just for this product. It delivers extremely high currents to power You up the hills. The lifespan of this pack is over 2000 cycles – this will make sure You can recharge Rubbee every single day for 5 years without loosing any range. We also integrated a custom made electronic battery management system just to make sure the battery pack delivers what is expected.
Multipurpose connector: Rubbee has only one electronic plug. It uses the same port to connect the throttle and to connect the charger. Ingenuity in simplicity.
Waterproof construction: Versatility is the word for Rubbee. And that includes weather conditions. Rubbee can be used even when it is raining outside because all electronics and the drive unit itself are waterproof. Our suppression system and custom cast roller makes sure that there is minimum power loss even when the tire gets all wet and muddy.
Rear LED light: Safety first! We care about the riders and understand the need to be visible at night. Rubbee has an integrated super-bright LED rear light which shines bright red. It turns on automatically when You turn Rubbee on. And it also looks cool.